18 March 2007


Sitanka [sih-tahn-kah] Sioux, Am Indian "Big Foot" 'Si': "Foot" + 'Tanka': "Big, Great"

It started last week when my boots were so tight on my legs that at the end of the day there were impressions from where it hit my legs and ankles. A gal co-worker of mine went to the store with me in the middle of the day in hopes that I might find some end of season boots, but no luck. There are lots of pretty shoes out but with the swelling in my ankles, all I want to do is hide them. Then I put on my Danskos Thursday, by the time I got to the airport I knew there was no way of getting those bad boys back on if I took them off for security. So I opted to get frisked down. Of course the female TSA agent instructed me to take off my shoes. Um...yeah.... no way.

When I got home, Steven and I went to the mall and a very nice lady in the shoe dept helped me pick out some shoes. She empathized and said her feet grew 2 sizes! I went out today and bought a new pair of boots to take me through the end of the month with my skirts and a pair of slip on Skechers (tying my shoes is becoming a challenge too). I am now about 1-1.5 size larger than my pre-pregnancy size.

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