19 February 2007

Back to School

Word to the wise: Do Not Wait until the last minute for classes!

Just when you think you have enough time, you don't. We really hadn't talked about what kind of birthing we wanted. I am still on the fence regarding whether an epi is worth it... thoughts of:
1) having to stay perfectly still while the epi is administered makes me worry (under stress and pressure, I have a hard time with this).
2) being numb from the waist down kinda freaks me out.
3) giving birth is a natural experience across all species and cultures. Why does Western medicine have to play a part in this?

So, there's all sorts of classes - Lamaze, Bradley, Alexander, Hypno-birthing, etc. Steven and I have been looking at the Bradley method (www.bradleymethod.com). Here's the rub: it's a 12 week course! 12 weeks usually during the week! With traveling for work, 12 weekday classes are impossible. I am waiting to hear back from an instructor I found that offers classes on Sundays. The other alternative is an educator who is offering private lessons compressed in 4 weeks at the shocking price of $500!

We also signed up for 3 other "classes" with INOVA: infant CPR and first aid, baby care, and an extended tour of the maternity center.

1 comment:

anneszy said...

*Update* One of the instructors emailed me back and I can join her class on Sundays! I've missed 2 classes already: Introduction and Nutrition but she said we can stay late to "catch up".